Dr. med. Nikolaus Raab
Born on 12 July 1976 in Schongau / Germany.
The successful plastic-aesthetic surgeon with his own privat
praxis in Munich and regular treatments of Russian patients in
St. Petersburg will now also practice in our new beauty clinic.
Curriculum Vitae
School Education
Abitur at the Welfengymnasium Schongau, Germany
1996 – 1997
Military service at the sports company in Mittenwald, Germany
Higher Education
Medical studies at Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg
First Step of the German medical exam
Second Step of the German medical exam
Third Step of the German medical exam
09/01 – 10/01
Dermatology and Venerology
Asklepios Nordseeklinik, Westerland/Sylt
03/02 – 04/02
Internal Medicine
Krankenhaus Salem, Heidelberg
Plastic Surgery and Burn Center
Krankenhaus München Bogenhausen
07/03 - 10/03
Plastic Surgery / Interplast-Germany e.V.
Sushma Koirala Memorial Hospital for Plastic and Reconstruktive Surgery, Nepal
01/04 – 02/04
Plastic Surgery and Burn Center
Krankenhaus München Bogenhausen
03/04 - 06/04
University of California, San Diego
Division of Plastic Surgery
Rotations / Electives
06/04 - 09/04
Internal Medicin
Heidelberg University
09/04 – 12/04
Plastic Surgery
BG Unfallklinik Ludwigshafen,
Center for Plastic and Reconstructive surgery and Burn Center
12/04 - 04/05
General, Reconstructive and Plastic surgery
University of Zürich, Switzerland
Resident / Consultant
05/05 - 05/07
General surgery / Vascular surgery
Heidelberg University
05/07 – 01/12
Plastic Surgery
Klinikum Bogenhausen,
Center for Plastic and Reconstructive surgery and Burn Center,
Prof. Ninkovic, Team Facial Aesthetics
06/09 – 06/11
Atos Aesthetic , Privatclinic for Aesthetic surgery munich,
Prof. Mühlbauer
1/11 – since now
Center Clinic Bern, Aesthetic consultant
Plastic surgeon
Fellow of the DAFPRS and EURAPS for Facial Aesthetics Wellington London
Chief consultant privat aesthetic center Munich: aestheticum Stachus Munich
08/13 – since now
Chief consultant and Owner privat praxis: “Privatpraxis Munich City”
10/15 – since now
Medical Direktor “Center of excellence Munich”
06/16 - since now
Funder and chairman of “International aesthetic society”
Industrial Consultant jobs:
b-lite (lightweight breast implants)
Allergan (workshop breast surgery)
Caremondo (medical director beauty)
Publications and Lectures
Riga live operations course by Dr. Raab
Riga Lithuania
November 2017
Holistic concept in aesthetic breast surgery
BAPRAS & FAPRAS Scientific meeting (Helsinki, Finnland)
July 2017
Large interest in lightweight breast implants – experiences in my first 100 cases
Beauty Through science meeting (Stockholm, Sweden)
June 2017
The art of breast surgery
Barcelona breast meeting (Barcelona, Spain)
March 2017
Talinn Live operation course by Dr. Raab
Talinn Estonia
November 2016
Free superficial inferior epigastric artery flap for aesthetic correction of mild pectus excavatum
Raab N, Holm-Muehlbauer C, Ninkovic M
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Jun; 123(6): 209e-11e
Interindividual variability of the SIEA Angiosome:effects on operative strategies in breast reconstruction
Holm C, Mayr M, Höfter E, Raab N, Ninkovic M
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Dec; 122(6): 1612-20
Vacuum-assisted closure therapy. Current status and basic research
Holle G, Raab N, Germann G.
Unfallchirurg. 2007 Jun; 110(6):490-504. German.
The balloon dissector in expander treatment: A ten-year experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery
Oestreich K, Flügel A, Raab N, Germann G, Jester A
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2006 Aug.;38(4): 240-5 German.
Doctoral Thesis
10/01 - 11/04
Center for psychiatric medicine Heidelberg/Mannheim,
Department of children's psychiatry Prof. Dr. Dr. M. Schmidt
On the topic of: „Investigation of the serotonergic function in anorectic patients²
Clinical-experimental study.
Magna cum laude
Further Qualifications
"Fachkunde Rettungsdienst" since 2009